Real-Time Morse Code Detection Using Finger Gestures


This project introduces a method for interpreting Morse code through finger gestures, utilizing computer vision and machine learning techniques. This innovative system captures finger movements via a webcam, translates them into Morse code, and decodes them into text.

Technology Stack

How It Works

  1. Finger Detection: The system starts by detecting the number of fingers shown to the camera. This process involves background subtraction and image segmentation to isolate the hand from the rest of the image.
  2. Morse Code Generation: Depending on the number of fingers detected, different Morse code signals are generated—single finger for a dot, two fingers for a dash, and so forth.





User Interaction

Building the Solution

Conclusion and Future Directions

This project showcases the potential of integrating computer vision with user interaction to create accessible communication tools. Future enhancements may include refining the detection algorithms and expanding the system to interpret Morse code from other body movements, like eye blinks or facial expressions.