The $7 trillion imperative - pay less now, or pay more later !!

The Proposal That Shook the Tech World

Last week, the tech industry buzzed with news that Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, is reportedly in discussions to raise a staggering $7 trillion to overhaul the semiconductor industry. This bold initiative aims to dramatically increase the production capacity for advanced AI chips, essential for powering next-generation artificial intelligence applications.

The Numbers Behind the Vision

Over the past decade, the computational power required to train state-of-the-art AI models has surged exponentially. The number of floating-point operations per second (FLOPs) needed for training these models has increased by a factor of 100 million, while the number of FLOPs per chip has grown by a factor of 1,000. If this trend continues, the cost of training a single AI model could skyrocket, potentially reaching a quadrillion dollars in the next decade—a figure that dwarfs the current size of the global economy.

Why Such an Astronomical Investment?

With the slowdown in Moore’s Law—the observation that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles about every two years while the cost of computers is halved—the pace at which chip performance can improve naturally is tapering off. The current infrastructure and technology are quickly becoming inadequate to meet the soaring demands of AI research and applications.

Altman’s vision involves not only the construction of new chip fabrication plants but also a sweeping enhancement of the entire ecosystem supporting AI development, including energy sources and data centers. This is essential for maintaining the momentum of AI advancements without facing insurmountable cost barriers.


Challenges and Implications

The plan, however, is fraught with challenges. Beyond the sheer financial magnitude, securing governmental approvals and managing international relations, especially with key players like China, adds layers of complexity. The initiative could reshape global tech leadership, with significant implications for economic and geopolitical dynamics.

The Future of AI and Global Economy

If Altman’s plan succeeds, it could herald a new era of technological innovation, making AI more sustainable and economically feasible. However, it also raises important questions about the concentration of technological power and the ethical implications of such massive-scale developments in AI.


Sam Altman’s $7 trillion plan is more than a financial figure; it’s a vision of the future where AI and its infrastructure evolve to meet the growing demands of technology. Whether this plan will materialize as envisioned or steer us towards alternative futures remains to be seen. But one thing is clear: the path forward for AI is as much about innovation in technology as it is about reshaping the economic landscapes it inhabits.

This monumental proposal could either set a precedent for future tech investments or become a cautionary tale of ambition clashing with practical realities. Either way, the tech community and the world at large should keep a close eye on the developments that follow.

This is me writing an intro to this blog post. So introlicioius.

1. Here is one thing I want to say

This is maybe an important thing, and, at the very least it is first.

2. Another thing

I am now talking about a second thing, probably also good.

3. A third thing

We are now getting into the weeds of things that I am saying. It is probably unlikely someone has made it thus far.

4. Thing #4.

At this point, you are probably no longer into me listing off things. Let’s put in an image to placate the reader:


5. The last thing

This is my final thing, probably would be great if this was a TL;DR or summary. But I don’t have that for you. I have given you so little already, why start saying anything useful now?

Besides, all anybody wants is the DERP: